Author Testimonials for Max
5 stars. Max's extremely useful feedback was thorough—he read my novel twice to ensure a comprehensive sense of it—and carefully considered. He brought his broad knowledge of European cultural history to bear when commenting about my historical novel. He gets extra points for providing corrections to certain French phrases where I needed that help. His insights were honest and friendly.
—JA Nelson, author of The Confession of Horatio the Dane
—JA Nelson, author of The Confession of Horatio the Dane
5 stars. Max’s feedback was really helpful in terms of what I actually asked him to review and I’ll make some changes to avoid giving unintended offence as well as to ensure my character feels authentic. But beyond that, they made helpful suggestions with regard to other characters that will help to make my book the best it can be.
—Shannon Clarke, author of Devon's Island
—Shannon Clarke, author of Devon's Island
5 stars. Max's feedback was really helpful. He was able to relate it back to his personal experiences, which helps me understand the degree to which readers might identify with my protagonist. He commented on things he both liked and didn't like, stylistic and arc-related, and let me know places where the dialogue sounded cumbersome or rehearsed. I particularly appreciated the way he was along for the ride but also able to highlight specific elements that might trip other readers up.
—Eli Abernathy, author of Cubicles Anonymous
—Eli Abernathy, author of Cubicles Anonymous